As the heatwave some European countries suffered recently is going away, another one comes to Spain.
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After the heatwave that affected some countries such as the United Kingdom or Belgium, a new heatwave will this time only affect Spain. This will be the first heatwave of the summer for Spain, and, according to AEMET (State Meteorological Agency), it will start Wednesday 1st of August, and will last until at least Sunday.
The origins of this heatwave are the stable atmospheric conditions over most of the country, as well as the arrival of warm air from Africa.
This heatwave will affect most of the peninsula, especially Andalucía, Extremadura and part of Castilla-La Mancha. On top of this, from Thursday onwards, the heatwave will extend to the centre of the country, as well as the Ebro valley.
In Andalucía, the temperatures will easily reach the 45 degrees Celsius during the day and go down to 25 degrees during the night. Even if these temperatures are quite high, they aren’t unusual for the region. In other parts of the country, such as the Ebro valley, the temperatures will be around 40 degrees. In the north, in Galicia, the temperatures will reach 36 degrees. Some parts of the Andalusian coast, Ceuta and Melilla, as well as the Canary Islands, may escape said temperatures.
The heat won’t go away during the night either, going down to 20 degrees in the best case. This will create what is known as “tropical nights”.
The most important tips are the following: drink as often as needed, avoid being directly under the sun or use proper protection, avoid doing physical efforts during the hottest hours of the day and try to stay in cool areas as long as possible.