Denmark’s Queen turns 80 years old
The current Danish monarch, Queen Margrethe II, turns 80 today, with the country scaling down the birthday celebrations due to the coronavirus pandemic. […]
The current Danish monarch, Queen Margrethe II, turns 80 today, with the country scaling down the birthday celebrations due to the coronavirus pandemic. […]
Danish shipping company Maersk is contributing to Denmark’s response against the coronavirus by setting a direct link between China and Denmark. […]
Belgian burger brand “Bicky” has somehow managed to create a nation-wide polemic over a misogynistic advertisement. […]
Because when you want to showcase your stupidity to the world, you need to make sure to double-down on it. […]
The “political” party Leave.EU continues spreading hate with more than questionable political messages on their social media accounts. […]
This past 10th of July, a video of Merkel shaking in public widely circulated through the net, raising outrage against publications sharing it. […]
The SNCB has issued a warning about a bomb alert at the train station of Brussels-North. […]
A week ago, a plane landing at Moscow Airport caught fire, killing 41 passengers. […]
Denmark’s Queen, Margrethe II, turned 79 yesterday. […]
Due to a technical issue on Proximus’ network, landline numbers in Belgium were unreachable for half a day. […]
4 dead and 5 injured after a shooting in a tram in Utrecht, Netherlands, soon after New Zealand’s mosque attack. […]
The Police are investigating attempted sabotages of rail lines in the UK. […]
The 29th, two Russian warplanes were spotted flying over the North Sea. […]
The “Revoke Article 50” petition has just surpassed the 4 million signatures. […]
Yesterday morning, part of the European neighbourhood in Brussels was closed due to a bomb threat. […]
La controvertida ley danesa contra el burka y el nicab empezó a ser aplicada a principios de agosto. Algunas organizaciones, sobre todo musulmanas, decidieron organizar protestas en las que solo “varios cientos” de personas participaron, sobre todo mujeres musulmanas y mujeres no musulmanas. […]
La controversée loi danoise interdisant le port du burka et le niqab vient de commencer à être appliquée depuis le mois d’août. Quelques organisations, surtout musulmanes, ont décidé d’organiser des protestes auxquelles « quelques centaines » de personnes ont pris part, surtout des femmes musulmanes et des femmes non musulmanes. […]
Denmark’s controversial law against the burqa and niqab started being enforced at the beginning of August. Some organizations, mainly Muslim ones, decided to organize protests were only a “few hundred” people showed up, between Muslim women and other, regular women. […]
Durant les dernières semaines, quelques organisations et journaux ont donné leur opinion sur trois cas d’euthanasie récents en Belgique. […]
Over the past few weeks, some organizations and newspapers have been giving their opinion over three recent euthanasia cases in Belgium. […]
Estas últimas semanas, algunas organizaciones y periódicos han dado su opinión sobre tres casos recientes de eutanasia en Bélgica. […]
A principios del mes de junio habíamos publicado un artículo que hablaba de varias obras que se estaban llevando a cabo en Bruselas. […]
Ryanair, la compañía de vuelos baratos irlandesa, podría tener un verano bastante problemático ya que los empleados discuten si ponerse en huelga o no. […]
Au début du mois de juin, nous avions publié un article couvrant quelques-uns des chantiers en cours à Bruxelles. […]
In August, a ban against face veils went into effect in Denmark, mainly affecting Muslim women wearing the niqab and burka. […]
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