Nobody should be given special treatment – not even the US president
US President Donald Trump is, once again, in hot water. […]
US President Donald Trump is, once again, in hot water. […]
With most of the Western world in lockdown, shipping giant Maersk celebrates healthcare and essential workers that keep the world moving from the shadows. […]
US companies appear to be, yet again, exploiting a crisis to bury past scandals and improve their image, through non-negligible donations and contributions to the fight against the current coronavirus pandemic. […]
America’s elites have been busy at work steering public opinion away from national issues and towards unimportant discussions. […]
The UK has showcased their preparations in case of a coronavirus outbreak in the country. […]
The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten is back on the news, this time due to a cartoon depicting the Chinese flag with the coronavirus. […]
The US has demonstrated, again and again, how untrustworthy they are as a nation, ally, friend and commercial partner. […]
The US was one of the last countries to decide to ground the entire fleet of Boeing’s 737 MAX 8. […]
After Sunday’s deadly 737 MAX 8 crash in Ethiopia, various countries have decided to force their airlines to ground all 737 MAX 8. […]
Two Boeing 737 MAX 8 have crashed in a span of less than 6 months, raising concerns about the safety of Boeing’s aircraft. […]
At the end of August, a ship from the British Navy sailed close to land claimed by China in the South China Sea. […]
La nueva controversia generada por Trump se debe a haber hecho llorar a la viuda de un soldado muerto este mes en una emboscada en Níger. […]
La dernière controverse sur Trump concerne le fait d’avoir fait pleurer une veuve qui a perdu son mari dans une embuscade au Niger ce mois-ci. […]
In another display of this so called “religion of peace”, an Islamic political party in Pakistan has condemned the Netherlands, due to them holding a drawing contest. […]
The 6th October, an earthquake hit Haiti, killing around a dozen people and injuring over 300. […]
Fin septembre, un tremblement de terre, suivi d’un tsunami, ont affecté l’île indonésienne de Sulawesi, tuant près de 2 000 personnes et laissant plus de 5 000 disparus. […]
A finales de septiembre, un terremoto y un tsunami han azotado la isla indonesia de Célebes, matando a cerca de 2.000 personas y dejando más de 5.000 desaparecidos. […]
At the end of September, an earthquake and a tsunami hit the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, killing close to 2 000 people and leaving over 5 000 missing. […]
For the second time in a few days, the US air force intercepted Russian bombers near Alaska. […]
The US air force intercepted two Russian bombers near Alaska the 1st of September. […]
De façon assez curieuse mais pas très surprenante, la China a décidé de refuser l’entrée du film « Christopher Robin » dans le pays sans donner de raison. […]
Curiosamente, aunque no resulte sorprendente por parte de China, el país ha denegado el estreno de la película “Christopher Robin: un reencuentro inolvidable” sin dar ninguna razón. […]
In a curious but not surprising turn of events, China has banned the entry of the film “Christopher Robin” to the country, without giving any reasons why. […]
En la actual guerra comercial entre los Estados Unidos y el resto del mundo, China está planteándose aplicar aranceles a unos 60 mil millones de dólares de productos americanos, como respuesta a los aranceles propuestos por los Estados Unidos a 200 mil millones de dólares de productos importados de China. […]
Dans la grandissante guerre commerciale entre les États-Unis et le reste du monde, la Chine est en train de considérer l’application de tarifs sur des produits américains pour une valeur totale de 60 milliards de dollars, et ceci comme réponse aux tarifs que les Américains veulent imposer sur 200 milliards de dollars de produits chinois. […]
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