Huawei’s Matebook X Pro is finally out in Spain and Italy with a QWERTY keyboard, but only comes with 8GB of RAM.
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For some completely unknown and weird reason, Huawei’s Matebook X Pro is out in Spain and Italy with only 8GB of RAM in the top version. Meanwhile, the top version in Germany comes with 16GB of RAM, but for 1 799€. The Spanish and Italian version costs 100€ less for 8GB of RAM less, so 1 699€. The rest of the specs are exactly the same, the top model coming with a 512GB SSD, a Nvidia MX150 2GB GPU, Intel’s i7-8850U and a tactile screen.
Huawei’s known for making weird decisions, such as with the Mate 10 and Mate 10 Pro, which are basically the same device, except one has a headphone jack and less RAM/Storage, while the other one sacrifices said headphone jack but comes with more RAM and Storage. But this? This makes even less sense.
Who would want to spend 1 699€ on a premium, high-end notebook, in 2018, that only comes with 8GB of RAM, knowing a 100€ more expensive version in a different country offers 16GB of RAM? Huawei is marketing the Matebook X Pro as a notebook for heavy workloads, even coming with a dedicated graphics card, but then only puts 8GB of RAM, which, in 2018, is barely enough to run Windows 10 and open a few tabs on Chrome. So, professional work on 8GB of RAM? Forget it. Our Matebook X from 2017, that only has 8GB of RAM, already struggles to handle light to medium workloads, the RAM often being used to 80-90%, but this? This is beyond ridiculous.
And this only penalizes users desiring a Spanish/Italian QWERTY lay-out, the US QWERTY version having 16GB of RAM but lacking the accents needed in those two languages. The German 16GB version is a QWERTZ, also lacking the accents needed in these two Roman languages.
In any case, we see this as a big deception, and do not recommend the Huawei Matebook X Pro with a QWERTY lay-out for Spain/Italy, due to the 8GB of RAM penalizing any serious users.
For the others, here are links to various shops selling the Spanish/Italian QWERTY notebook [none is affiliated or linked to us]. We are linking the various versions available:
Amazon.es [i7-8550U/8GB RAM/512GB SSD/Nvidia MX150 2GB]
Pccomponentes.com [i7-8550U/8GB RAM/512GB SSD/Nvidia MX150 2GB]
Amazon.it [i7-8550U/8GB RAM/512GB SSD/Nvidia MX150 2GB]
Amazon.it [i5-8250U/8GB RAM/256GB SSD/Nvidia MX150 2GB]
PS: We are aware there may be differences between the Spanish QWERTY lay-out and the Italian QWERTY lay-out, but the problem remains the same: there’s only an 8GB RAM version.
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