DRSC Media has successfully been changed to a new host/server.
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Since around mid-2018, we’ve been talking about switching hosts. We started working on this last month, with a new website hosted on a temporary domain.
For various reasons, we’ve decided to switch to the new website earlier than expected, even if it isn’t fully ready. Currently, only 38.7% of our content is on the new website, leaving 61.3% to transfer. We expect to finish transferring all our articles in the next 30 to 60 days. For those looking for specific articles, our old website is still accessible on drscgroup.eu, with the 665 articles we published until today. New articles will only be available via drscmedia.eu.
All links from our older website are now broken. We’ve fixed all broken links in the new website.
Eventually, drscgroup.eu will redirect to drscmedia.eu, with the old website being deleted.
Thank you for your continued support,
DRSC Media
A division of DRSC Publishers Ltd.