Steam, the digital game distributor, is currently holding an event, running from the 24th to the 28th of May 2018.
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During this event, 9 games are available as “free to play”. 8 of them are discounted, in case the players are interested in purchasing them after trying them for free.
These 9 games are:
- Dead by Daylight, discounted at 50%
- Left 4 Dead 2, no discount
- Castle Crashers, discounted at 50%
- Cities: Skylines, discounted at 75%
- Tyranny, discounted at 66%
- Don’t starve together, discounted at 40%
- Borderlands 2, discounted at 75%
- Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, discounted at 60%
- DiRT 4, discounted at 70%
On top of these 9 games available for free until the 28th, there is the possibility to earn a badge for your profile, by completing some basic tasks, such as playing a game you purchased less than 6 months ago, the first game you added on Steam, etc, or completing some tasks, such as playing one of the free games available during the event.
Here’s the link of the event page, as well as a screenshot of how far one of us got:

It also seems that to obtain the fully levelled-up badge, players will have to complete similar tasks over the next 4 days.

We’ll update this article once we manage to get the full badge.\