With the NATO summit over, US President Donald Trump headed to his next visit, in the UK, where he will be meeting the current prime minister, Theresa May, as well as the Queen.
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Currently, Trump is in the UK, meeting with Theresa May. This meeting comes after months of delay and isn’t going as well as one could expect. Already since long before the meeting, a movement in the UK pushed for people to “show your rump to Trump”. Since then, another movement has appeared recently, with a group of activists deciding to raise funds to fly a Trump baby balloon (or “blimp”, as others call it) near the Parliament in London during Trump’s visit. Originally, London’s mayor had refused giving the permission to fly the balloon, but after a petition gathered over 10K signatures, he ended up allowing it.
It turns out that Trump will be avoiding Central London due to the protests, and instead fly by helicopter to most of the locations he has to go to, before going to the prime minister’s country house, called Chequers. There, May and Trump will be having working sessions. The visit will last less than 24 hours, with Trump heading directly to one of his golf courses in Scotland for the weekend. In between all this, he will be meeting Queen Elizabeth II.
So far, he has already contradicted himself at least once, saying in an interview that he dislikes May’s “soft” Brexit plans, threating that if it is applied, it could complicate future trading relationships with the US, supported Boris Jonsson as prime minister, said he knows British people like him quite a lot and mentioned he doesn’t feel welcomed by London due to the balloon.
Sunday, Trump will be flying to Helsinki, to meet with Russia’s President, Putin, in their first official meeting.
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