The Belgian train operator SNCB is on strike from Thursday to Saturday, with minimum service expected. Big disruptions are expected on the entire network until the end of the strike.
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Since Thursday 28th night (10 p.m.) until Saturday 30th night (10 p.m.), rail workers are on strike. The SNCB has organized a minimum service, with one out of three trains running, but big disruptions are expected on the entire network regardless.
The minimum service guarantees that the trains scheduled by the SNCB on their website and application will be on time, like during normal days. Delays and other random events are not unexpected.
This strike, organized by the syndicates, protests against the reform of the pensions started by the government, as well as differences between rail workers, with some treated as workers of a difficult sector while others not.
For the commuters, it is recommended to prepare a different transportation method just in case, to avoid being affected by the strike. Most of the IC trains on the main lines will drive as scheduled, but this will limit the number of S and L trains, who will only circulate during peak hours. Most of the P trains will not operate. A large amount of stations, especially in Wallonia, will not be served. International trains should operate without being affected, but three Thalys trains have already been cancelled.
For more information, visit the SNCB website.
A bit before the strike started this Thursday, a different syndicate of rail workers filed a national strike notice, for a duration of 48 hours, from Tuesday 10th July to Thursday 12th July.