Humble Bundle, Inc., most well known for their “Pay what you want” bundles on games, has been acquired by IGN, a videogame and entertainment media company.
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Humble Bundle was started in 2010, with the main concept of selling bundles of games and letting people pay what they want for them, with part of the revenue going to charity and the rest to the developers. Since then, the company has expanded, with a digital storefront, a monthly subscription service as well as becoming a game publisher.
Recently, Humble Bundle announced that they had raised over 100$ million for charity since 2010, spread across multiple charities.
This purchase has raised multiple questions amongst gamers, some fearing that Humble Bundle may change for the worst, as observed in many other cases in the gaming industry, others wondering how a media focused on games and game reviews will deal with reviews concerning games their subsidiary published. It is hard to deny that this could present conflicts of interest, but we’ll have to wait to see how IGN deals with this.
For now, it is reported that Humble Bundle will continue to operate normally in the short term.