The 2nd of October 2018, strikes and manifestations will take place all over Belgium.
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Strikes and manifestations will take place all over Belgium this Tuesday 2nd. According to the unions, it will be more along the lines of a day of “actions” rather than strikes, even if there will still be “strikes”, as some employees will not come to work.
This day of “actions” is organized by unions with the objective of complaining of pensions and the retirement age, asking to allow workers who do strenuous work to retire earlier without losing part of their pension. The unions are also asking for wage increases as well as a few other demands on the social level and workers’ rights.
In Brussels, being the capital of Belgium, thousands of people will come to manifest. The STIB has already warned that perturbations are to be expected on their network, with the probability that some of their employees will take part in the manifestation. The STIB will maintain travellers informed Tuesday the 2nd October from 6 a.m. on their Facebook, Twitter and their website, but it is obviously recommended to leave a bit earlier.
The SNCB hasn’t announced anything for now, but it is probable some of their trains will be delayed or won’t run at all.
In Brussels, not only do we get the strike from the 2nd of October, but we will also have to face a manifestation from civil servants, Friday 28th of September, who complain about losing the possibility of using their sick leave days in a different year. Unions hope for some 5 to 10 000 civil servants to show up, creating traffic issues on the group’s route. The STIB has already announced that all their lines will circulate normally, although there could be some delays, especially on trams and buses.