We’ve recently reached the 500 articles mark, a new milestone for the company.
Artículo disponible en Español | Article disponible en Français
The 14th of October 2018, we passed the 500 articles mark. Here’s some data about what we’ve achieved so far:
- 500 total articles
- 311 articles in English
- 98 articles in Spanish
- 91 articles in French
- 167 956 total words published
- 335.912 words/article on average
- 1 year since we started (first article was posted the 14/10/2017, 500 articles mark reached the 14/10/2018)
- The first 60 articles are available in Spanish, French and English
- If all our articles were available in Spanish, French and English, we would have 945 articles on our website
Here’s the breakdown by section:
- Europe: 48 articles in English, 15 in Spanish and 20 in French
- International: 24 articles in English, in 4 Spanish and 4 in French
- Politics: 36 articles in English, 32 in Spanish and 13 in French
- EU News: 42 articles in English, 13 in Spanish and 14 in French
- Economy: 34 articles in English, 4 in Spanish and 5 in French
- Technology: 35 articles in English, 5 in Spanish and 9 in French
- Culture: 18 articles in English, 3 in Spanish and 6 in French
- Reviews & Guides: 3 articles in English, 0 in Spanish and 2 in French
- Huawei News: 67 articles in English, 17 in Spanish and 17 in French
- Company News: 4 articles in English, 1 in Spanish and 1 in French
- Depes Days: 0 articles in English, 4 in Spanish and 0 in French
After a year of working on DRSC Media, we do not know for sure if we’ll keep the project going or not. So far, we’ve failed to turn a profit, and numbers are not as good as initially expected. We’ll probably keep going in the short-term. We can already announce we’ll be publishing at least 100 more articles, which means 3/day until mid-November. In November, DRSC Publishers is holding its annual meeting, where we meet investors and have to convince them the project is worth keep financing, which means we’ll see by then.
Until next time,
DRSC Media