We’ve just crossed the 700 articles mark, a new milestone for the company.
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This 21st of April 2019, we passed the 700 articles mark. We expect to reach 750 published articles soon. If we compare the new data to the latest information we published in October of last year, so far, we have achieved:
- 700 total articles, up by 40%
- 468 articles in English, up by 50.48%
- 120 articles in Spanish, up by 22.45%
- 112 articles in French, up by 23.08%
- 235 517 total words published, up by 40.23%
- 336.453 words/article on average, up by 0.16%
- 1 year and a half since we started, back in October 2017
Even if French and Spanish articles are up, we have decided to temporally stop translating and publishing in these two languages, due to a lack of staff.
As previously mentioned in a past article, we expect to fully transfer the website “in the next 30 to 60 days”, so it should be completed in the next 40 days. Currently, 61.72% of the articles have been transferred, leaving 38.28% to transfer. We’ve also decided to have a new motto, being “European interests, our priority”. This means exactly as it is written: we write with Europeans’ interests in mind. This can especially be observed in our “EU News” coverage, but has slowly been reinforced in other articles, such as 5G and similar themes.
All articles published until mid-July 2018 are now available on the new website, with all links working. All articles published in 2019 are also present on the new website. Part of the articles between July-2018 and end of 2018 are also present on the site, but with spotty coverage.
Finally, there’s a small possibility we might have to temporarily interrupt our activities, as the staff might have to go on various business trips soon.
In any case, and as per usual, thank you for your continued support,
DRSC Media
A division of DRSC Publishers Ltd.