New changes to DRSC Media, new DRSC Pro slots available

DRSC Media, 2017

We’ve decided to limit ourselves to English content only, due to our current workload.

Artículo disponible en Español | Article disponible en Français

Until recently, DRSC Media regularly published content in three different languages, being English, Spanish and French. In most cases, articles published in Spanish and French were translated into English, the goal being having a common language so all our readers could understand all our content. Sadly, we were already quite restricted in terms of staff and didn’t have the budget required to hire more employees, limiting Spanish and French articles to big, important subjects, such as politics.

Now, following a reduction of this “foreign” content, we’ve decided to completely stop and limit ourselves to English content only, which will allow us to focus all of our resources in producing more, high-quality articles about multiple different subjects. Of course, we are aware this decision will disappoint some readers, even if we already lacked content in these two extra languages.

However, this doesn’t mean we will stop entirely publishing in these two languages. If we believe a subject deserves an article in Spanish or French, we will do it.

Moving on to our DRSC Pro subscriptions, these were not available to new subscribers, as places, or “slots”, are limited. We are happy to announce that we’ve increased this limit, with a few extra slots now available. Subscriptions are still handled privately, so those interested will have to e-mail us at This time around, new subscribers will be given an account on DRSC Media’s website directly, on which we are running a trial program, mixing free and premium articles. Pricing-wise, nothing has changed, with the annual plan (12 months) costing 999€, VAT included.

Those interested should e-mail us quickly, as slots are being rented fast – since Monday (6/04/2020), we’ve already had two slots taken by new subscribers.

As per usual, we thank you for your continued support,

DRSC Media,

A division of DRSC Publishers Ltd.