The European Commission launches new architecture project
The European Commission launched an international architecture contest to design a new building that will replace the one currently located at rue de la Loi, 130. […]
The European Commission launched an international architecture contest to design a new building that will replace the one currently located at rue de la Loi, 130. […]
On April 16, 2016, a new privacy regulation was approved by the European Parliament. This new regulation, called GDPR for short, will be enforced in less than 2 months, the 25th May 2018. […]
Over the past few weeks, it has been revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a marketing company, harvested the personal information of 50 million American Facebook users for political purposes. […]
After fleeing from Spanish justice for months, and living in Belgium, Puigdemont has finally been arrested while crossing the border between Denmark and Germany while coming back from Finland. […]
El expresidente de Cataluña, Carles Puigdemont, fue detenido este domingo, mientras cruzaba la frontera entre Dinamarca y Alemania, tras haber viajado a Finlandia. […]
Yesterday, Friday 23rd, the first terrorist attack since October took place in a small city in the south of France. […]
In this year’s Mobile World Congress (2018), Huawei didn’t unveil a new phone. Instead, they announced a new version of their Matebook X laptop and a new version of the already popular Mediapad tablet. The rest of the event was dedicated to 5G, the new network technology that will replace 4G in the near future. […]
Dans deux jours, le nouveau Wolfenstein sortira. Et on pourrait dire que je l’ai précommandé de façon « gratuite ». Sans être vraiment intéressé par le jeu. […]
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