We have finally explored other hosting options and started working on our new website.
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Long ago, in August 2018, we published a short article titled “DRSC Media reaches 200 articles”, with us mentioning we were planning to explore other hosting options to cut the costs of our digital infrastructure and be closer to achieving profitability.
We mentioned this again in October of the same year, specifying we had “since outgrown the platform, making it slow and hard to continue publishing more articles without a big change”. This is still the case. Publishing new content is extremely time consuming, and we’ve noticed a general slowdown of the site itself. We are unsure whether this is linked to our current host or whether this is limited to our site, but, regardless, this affect us negatively.
We’ve finally settled on a new host, as well as a new design for the site. We’ll now be using the services from STRATO, a company located in Germany, to host our website, and design it in the popular option WordPress, which perfectly fits the needs of DRSC Media. Since the editors are different, this means we have to build the new site from zero, forcing us to republish every single article manually. So far, we’ve transferred 20% of our content, and expect to be done in the next 1-2 months. We will continue publishing new content on the old site, although at a slower rate. All the new content will be available both on the old site (currently drscmedia.eu) and the “new” site (currently drscmedia.eu), although in the future, the domain name will remain “drscmedia.eu”.
The website for DRSC Publishers will remain on the current [older] host for the time being.