The European Summit will take place from the 17th October to the 19th October, perturbing the STIB network.
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As with every time there’s a European Summit, perturbations are expected on the STIB network. This time, the Summit will take place the 17th, the 18th and the 19th October.
The STIB has already warned that the Schuman metro station will remain open, but some of the accesses will be closed from Wednesday 17th from 15h to Friday until 15h30. Meanwhile, some bus stops will not be covered, these being the stops of Froissart and Parc Léopold.
On the surface, there will be a security perimeter around the European institutions, only allowing the locals to enter, although an identity card will be required. Employees, sellers and anybody else will need to come with their identity card and a pass to be able to access said security perimeter.
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