Well-known for her participation in the 2013 Eurovision, Finnish singer Krista Siegfrids is now back with a new single.
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Krista Siegfrids, one of the participants in the 2013 Eurovision, with her entry “Marry me”, has been absent for a long time, although never too far from the stage, singing at different Eurovision-centric events and regularly appearing on television. While she did not win with “Marry me”, this entry still remains quite memorable for various reasons: on one hand, during the performance, the singer kissed one of the female dancers, showing her support for same-sex marriage, which was lacking in her country, and only recently legalized [in 2017]. While this kiss was showing support for a specific cause, it caused outrage in other countries, supposedly leading to the cancellation of the diffusion of the semi-final and the finals in Turkey, and the kiss getting censored on Chinese TV. On the other hand, the song was also intended to push Siegfrids’ long-term partner, with whom she had been together for around 10 years, to finally propose.
Her 2013 participation was followed by the release of a full album, “Ding dong!”, which included some successful singles such as “Amen!”, “Can you see me?” and “Marry me”. In 2014, Siegfrids released a new single, “Cinderella”. Other singles would follow from time to time, with the singer staying a bit more relevant than many ex-participants of various Eurovision or Eurovision-related contests. As previously mentioned, she would appear regularly in various Eurovision-centric events, such as at the EuroCafe 2019 in Tel Aviv this year, or the Eurovision cruise at the end of August.
Coming back to her marriage, her partner, the journalist Janne Grönroos, finally proposed the following year, with the couple marrying in 2017. This marriage did not last long, with Siegfrids announcing earlier this year on social media that the couple had decided to divorce.
Her new song, titled “Let it burn” and coming out this Friday 30th, is, according to the singer, her way for moving on from her past relationship. Here’s the cover image of her new single:

In any case, it would seem 2019 is the year for many ex-participants to comeback, with singers such as Krista Siegfrids, YOHIO or Emilie Moldow all releasing new singles this year.
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