Día’s shares lose over 40% of their value
The Spanish supermarket chain Día has gone through its worst day since its debut on the stock exchange in 2011, with its shares losing over 40% of their value. […]
The Spanish supermarket chain Día has gone through its worst day since its debut on the stock exchange in 2011, with its shares losing over 40% of their value. […]
El Grupo de los Socialistas & Demócratas ha decidido nominar a 11 ONGs criminales al premio Sakharov, junto a otras personas. […]
Twitter has just added Huawei’s logo next to its hashtag, giving more visibility to the company. […]
So, which one is it, Mr. pro-Brexit Wetherspoon owner? […]
Huawei’s Nova 3i, sold as the P Smart+ in Europe, received 2 security patches. […]
We’ve recently reached the 500 articles mark, a new milestone for the company. […]
It has been revealed that Danske Bank’s Estonia branch has been used to launder billions of euros of Russian money, putting the Danish bank in a difficult situation with various regulatory authorities. […]
DRSC Media will be taking a break from news for a few weeks, while we sort-out our new website. […]
At IFA 2018, Huawei showcased a small tracker, named “Huawei Locator”. […]
The European Summit will take place from the 17th October to the 19th October, perturbing the STIB network. […]
Le Groupe des Socialistes & Démocrates a décidé de nominer 11 ONG criminelles pour le prix Sakharov, parmi d’autres personnes. […]
Huawei’s P20 Pro just received a small patch fixing an issue with the camera, related to the flash. […]
Microsoft is again in hot water after pushing out an update for Windows 10 that may, in some cases, delete the user’s personal files. […]
The Socialists & Democrats Group have decided to nominate 11 criminal NGOs to the Sakharov prize, alongside a series of other people. […]
A second canton in Switzerland has banned wearing the burqa in public. […]
Huawei’s Mate RS Porsche Design just received a small patch the second week of October, fixing an issue linked to PUGB. […]
The 6th October, an earthquake hit Haiti, killing around a dozen people and injuring over 300. […]
Fin septembre, un tremblement de terre, suivi d’un tsunami, ont affecté l’île indonésienne de Sulawesi, tuant près de 2 000 personnes et laissant plus de 5 000 disparus. […]
Après plusieurs semaines très tendues aussi bien au sein du gouvernement catalan qu’au sein du gouvernement espagnol, Puigdemont vient d’accepter sa défaite. […]
Honor has released the Honor Play on the European market recently, giving to consumers a smartphone equipped with a Kirin 970 for a low price of 329€. […]
Le gouvernement catalan, composé de voleurs et de menteurs, est arrivé à un accord économique avec le gouvernement espagnol, aussi composé de voleurs, menteurs et de putschistes, pour recevoir 1 400 millions d’euros volés au reste du pays. […]
El 16 de octubre en Londres, Huawei anunciará la serie de los Mate 20 y regalará el Huawei Watch GT (“Huawei Watch X”) en las preventas del Mate 20 Pro. […]
A finales de septiembre, un terremoto y un tsunami han azotado la isla indonesia de Célebes, matando a cerca de 2.000 personas y dejando más de 5.000 desaparecidos. […]
The Catalonian government, composed of thieves and liars, has reached a financial agreement with the Spanish government, also composed of thieves, liars and putschists, to receive 1 400 million euros stolen from the rest of the country. […]
Le 16 octobre à Londres, Huawei dévoilera la série des Mate 20 et donnera en cadeau la nouvelle Huawei Watch GT (« Huawei Watch X ») avec les précommandes du Mate 20 Pro. […]
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