
More issues for Muslims in Europe

The past few days have been pretty rough for the Muslim community in Europe. Between new laws banning face veils, a PEGIDA protest and crackdowns on imams, it seems that more and more European governments and citizens are fed up with the current situation and doing something about it. […]


La 5G à Bruxelles ? Pas pour l’instant

Les réseaux 4G actuels saturent régulièrement dans plusieurs quartiers de Bruxelles, et la 5G pourrait être la solution pour régler ce problème. Malheureusement, on dirait qu’il faudra attendre encore un peu plus longtemps pour ne plus naviguer en « Edge » ou 3G au centre-ville ou dans le Quartier Européen lors de la pause de midi. […]


Brussels will not be getting 5G anytime soon

​In various neighbourhoods of Brussels, the current 4G network regularly saturates. 5G could be the solution to this problem. Sadly enough, it seems we’ll have to wait a bit longer to not navigate in “Edge” or 3G in the city-centre or in the European neighbourhood during the lunch break. […]